Currents in Critical Heritage Studies is a new online publication platform of the ACHS aimed at promoting new work from within the ACHS membership base.
Read MoreI am pleased to announce our new blog series, Currents in Critical Heritage Studies. We are very fortunate to have Dr. Duane Jethro as our guiding force and inaugural editor. As he explains in his introduction, this series aims to showcase fresh perspectives and cultivate a space to foster critical dialogue. We are grateful to Duane for his vision and leadership in bringing this new initiative to fruition.
Melissa Baird, ACHS Past President
Currents in Critical Heritage Studies is a new online publication platform of the ACHS aimed at promoting exciting new work from the ACHS membership base.
These short, sharp inputs, extracts and reflections bring to light current scholarly work, books, and projects of broad relevance to the heritage studies field. As a hub of exchange amongst the ACHS, the platform hopes to chart a steady course through the fast-flowing currents in the field and the social and political uncertainties in the world today.
It makes space for up-to-date reflection on critical heritage approaches to pressing social issues that increasingly shape and reshape what it means to think with and through critical heritage studies. How are societies making sense of climate change and how will this influence heritage making, marking and management in the future? What responses have museums and heritage sites implemented to calls for reckoning with colonial legacies in their collections, curatorial practices and institutional structures? What can a critical heritage studies approach bring to and contribute towards questions of border regimes, migrancy and the making of heritage while on the move? These are just some of the pressing questions the platform hopes to explore.
Provisionally scheduled for publication four times a year, the series profiles the work of ACHS members who have plotted diverse routes through the scholarly and social swells that increasingly bear down on the work of approximating the past across the disciplines.
Access the latest entries in the blog series here below.
Currents in Critical Heritage Studies is a new online publication platform of the ACHS aimed at promoting new work from within the ACHS membership base.
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