Netherlands Chapter

The founding of this chapter is a collaborative effort across disciplines among scholars at the University of Groningen, with the aim to strengthen Critical Heritage studies and foster cooperation at the national level, across Dutch universities, and beyond. 

The chapter aims to bring together scholars working in the Netherlands or about Dutch heritage on topics such as: 

● Examining the country's relationship (or lack thereof) with previously colonised territories from a decolonial perspective 

● Nuances of heritage-making relating to power, representation, and identity 

● Contested, sensitive, and dissonant heritage 

● Critical approaches to museums and their collections 

● Methodologies and applications that support or provoke Critical Heritage studies 

As Chapter founders, we are setting these preliminary goals and topics in line with the mission statement of the ACHS and with the aim to bring marginalised, previously oppressed heritage narratives to the fore. By no means will these topics be definitive but rather open to development in conversation with scholars who will join the Chapter. For instance, this may occur via an annual reassessment of goals through a bottom-up approach. 

Promoting Critical Heritage studies in the Netherlands 

Conversations about dissonant and contested heritage are taking place in pockets within the Netherlands. Museums and other cultural heritage institutions are engaging in critically assessing their collections and historical narratives, yet some argue that the pace of change is too slow. We aim for this chapter to promote the necessary dialogues for such change by opening up a space for academics, heritage practitioners and wider publics to engage each other on these and other issues central to Critical Heritage studies. 

Chapter activities will include:

● Bi-annual conference bringing together scholars and practitioners to discuss, inclusive of a public lecture keynote address (such a conference could be held on a year when the ACHS conference does not take place) 

● Smaller workshops on specific themes (based on members’ suggestions) 

● Potential creation of working/laboratory groups depending on members’ needs 

● Reading groups 

● Meetings of the group once every quarter. These meetings could include: presentations of work in progress, reading group discussions, planning for the conferences/workshops, etc. 

If you are a member of ACHS, you can become a part of the Netherlands Chapter by selecting “Netherlands Chapter” under “Chapters” in your Member Profile in the ACHS Member Directory

For further information or to share ideas and comments, please contact Chapter Coordinators: Shanade Barnabas,, Manuela Ritondale,, Sabina Rosenbergova,